February 2021

Assessing multilingual people IS different.

all the components of the CAML-yl assessment kit: booklet, prompt sheets and coloured shapes.

There are many variables we need to take into account when deciding if one of our multilingual learners has dyslexia, or another SpLD. In this video, I discuss some of the differences between our monolingual and our multilingual learners. Watch the video here.

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Starting the CAML

assessment process

To assess or not to assess?

A person arranges coloured shapes on a grid.

A formal cognitive assessment (possibly identifying dyslexia or another SpLD) may seem a bit scary – I mean, who wants to be labelled?! But finding out more about ourselves, and the way we work, is always a positive step forward.
Read more.

SpLD myth #3: ‘New to English’ learners can’t be assessed for dyslexia.

Have you ever been so concerned about a learner’s progress, that you wondered if they may have a specific learning difference, like dyslexia? Were you told their English wasn’t good enough to assess them? Read more.

a red heart on a tree trunk that says im-possible

Assessing for strategies

bronze sculpture of a child reading from an enormous book

Assessment of cognitive function can often reveal innovative coping strategies that students are already using, showing us how we can support them best.
Read more.